
Education and Care Fees

All ages $147.00 per day - Current promotional rate $127.00 per day ends 28 April 2024.

Other Fees / Charges

Enrolment fee $ 50.00 – currently waived
Bond (Refundable) = 2 weeks’ full fee based on regular rate of $147.00 / day

In order to assist families to accurately forecast the cost of childcare we have all inclusive fees i.e., freshly cooked nutritious meals, nappies, wipes and art craft materials are all included. This also ensures, families get maximum subsidies and reduce their out-of-pocket expenses.

Fees are collected fortnightly in advance by direct debit only, which allows accurate collection of fees from a family’s chosen credit or debit card or bank account.

Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

The CCS is the main way Australian Government assists families with their childcare fees and is targeted to provide greater assistance to low- and middle-income families. North Shore Childcare Service is an approved Service for the purpose of CCS.

CCS is generally paid directly to service providers to be passed on to families. Families make co-contribution to their childcare fees and pay to the provider the difference between the fee charged and the subsidy amount (also called the out of pocket or gap fee).

It is the parent’s responsibility to maintain contact with Services Australia (Centrelink) regarding any changes that may affect their eligibility.